Support the mission! You can be a vital contributor to meeting needs and helping people grow into all God has created them to be!

Your Money, Your Time, Your Donations

Your monetary gifts are much appreciated. We strive to use your contributions in a manner consistent with furthering our mission and vision. We seek funding through a variety of means which include but are not limited to individual contributions, grants, and fundraisers.

Come volunteer with us – it will be a life-changing event for you and the neighbors you meet! Contact the staff or office for details.

Food, clothing, and hygiene items can be brought to our location anytime during business hours or you can call the office and make arrangements with staff for availability.

  • Individual contributions are tax-deductible.
  • Note: We are an IRS 501(c)3 organization any checks should be made to Radical Mission, Inc

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Radically changing Clarksville with the Love of Jesus Christ